Disclosure Policy

The FTC requires I share the following. Have fun, this here be some good readin’.
  • This website and the email newsletter associated with this website contains affiliate links. My access to affiliate links is what inspired a lot of the posts here, in fact. If you click on any of these affiliate links (and I sincerely hope you do) I might get a commission of some kind (usually the teeny weeny “can’t even buy a cup of coffee with that” kind, but not always). Posts, pages and emails that contain affiliate links are clearly marked. 
  • This blog is open to featuring sponsored content. Honestly right now, as I write this, I don’t see that happening, but you never know! Sponsored posts are when somebody (a brand or company, usually) pays me to create and post content around their product or service. The fact that they’re paying me does influence what and how I write about them, but I’m also always honest. My thoughts are my own. I don’t accept sponsored posts from products that I don’t like, don’t think are a good value, or otherwise aren’t a good fit for my website. Sponsored content is clearly marked.
  • This blog makes money from the ads you see blinking randomly from the sidebars and post pages. Hopefully they aren’t too obnoxious, it’s tricky finding the right balance.
  • This blog is willing to accept free products, goods, and services in exchange for review, content creation, good vibes, thank you’s, “we just have extras,” you name it. If someone offers to send me free stuff I rarely turn it down. That being said all reviews and content posted on this website are 100% my honest opinions (if I don’t like something, I won’t post about it). Posts and pages that contain products or services that were received free of charge are clearly marked.
  • This blog might be making money other ways that just developed and haven’t been updated on this page yet (the internet is always changing!). I try to keep on it but, well, you know.
Sleepy Poppy on Rigel Celeste

And that’s that! You survived, yay! Why not go back to the homepage and find something more fun to do?